Monday, October 31, 2011

My Halloween story

The fall season has brought out the spirit of Halloween in a lot of people.  Lydia found many adult halloween fans, proving that you don't have to be a kid to love Halloween.

Thanks, Lydia. I can't wait for Halloween this year.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Opening Activity

1. List and describe two things you already knew:
-An establishing shot sets the scene.
-Dolly shots follow action.

2. List and describe two things you learned for the first time:
-Use directed movement as a pan motivator.
-You can lean forward or backward instead of using the zoom button.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Opening Activity

1. What is the angle in the Pumped for Pumpkins story?
     The grower of the pumpkin.  The relationship between the grower and the pumpkin.
2. Give two examples of short sound bites from the story.
     "Back when i was 15 years old..."
     "172 inches around"
3. Give an example of sequenced shots.
     Zoomed out of the field, then zoomed in on a pumpkin, then zoomed in a lot on the main large pumpkin.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Opening Activity

1. What is the role of the reporter's segues in this story?
     They furthered the information in the interviews and triggered the emotions of the viewers.
2. Why do you think she did not include a stand-up in the story?
     I think the story spoke for itself.  I think it was amazing in itself and the fact that there was no stand up gave the impression that the people in the story were the ones who told the story.
3. What is the biggest surprise in the story?
     The fact that she was pregnant and that she AND her baby survived the fall
4. How does the story end with hope?
     It showed the lady and her baby at a swingset and she said her baby was born just fine and she thought it was a miracle.  It really lightened the mood.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Opening Activity

Steve Jobs was a co-founder of  Apple and died at age 56 yesterday of pancreatic cancer.  He first co-founded Apple, then founded NeXT Computer.  He bought Pixar Animation in 1986 (then called the Graphics Group). He was the chief executive of Pixar Animation and was a member of the board of directors at Walt Disney in 2006.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Opening Activity

1. How and where do you insert the memory card?
     It's inside the battery cover. You open the battery cover, then gently push the card until the card reaches the bottom of the slot.
2. Where is the on/off button?
     It's on the bottom right of the inside of the screen
3. Where is the Record button?
     It's in the middle of the back
4. Where is the zoom?
     It's above the power button on the back
5. How do you playback video?
     You press the mode button and use the joystick to switch to the My Works mode.  Or, you can
     press the play button on the left of the monitor.
6. How do you enter the menu items?
     Press up the menu button to get to the menu.
7. What are some menu features?
     Effects, Icons, Selftimer, Exposure, Picture Resolution, NightShot, Flashlight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Opening Activity

1. What is a Wide shot sometimes called?
     Establishing Shots
2. Give the definition of a wide shot.
     A shot that shows setting and surroundings and one that establishes location.
3. Give the definition of a medium shot.
     They give a little less setting but a little more detail. They focus on a specific area.
4. Give the definition of a tight shot.
     [close up]. They give a really nice detail to your shot.